Does Red Light therapy Work?

Source: UVHero. 01.28.2019

People who lived in ancient times have always believed in the healing power of lightas an intriguing source of treatment. Modern-day scientific discoveries have confirmed that light therapy can fight back signs of aging and also do wonders to the human skin.

The study led by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has opened up numerous possibilities for the skincare industry, especially when it comes to combatting skin aging.

What Is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy – also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) – makes use of lasers or LEDs (low-energy light emitting diodes) as an alternative treatment option for alleviating pain or for promoting cell functions. This works contrary to high-powered lasers which destroy tissues.

Some wavelengths of lasers are incredibly effective when applied for accelerating the healing of wounds and minimizes the symptoms associated with restless leg syndrome. Such wavelengths can also reduce pain in rheumatoid arthritis.

It is a technology that makes use of wavelengths of visible red light from about 630 to 660 nanometers as well as infrared light wavelengths at 880 nanometers. These wavelengths penetrate deeply into layers under the human skin where their energy receives a boost inside the cells. The wavelengths also speed up the production of elastin and collagen.

It is sometimes referred to as photo rejuvenation, is recognized as one of the quickest, safest as well as highly affordable methods of making remarkable changes to aging skin. This is possible due to the high content of water and blood present in skin layers which absorb light readily.

Does Red Light Therapy Work?

This is the same question that NASA put to a firm known as QDI and commissioned it to research it back in 1993. Part of the results of the research showed that the technology could be used to stimulate the growth of plants in space, a research which eventually set the path to the development of the full-spectrum LED grow lights. After that, more investigation was carried out how light-emitting diodes can be applied medically for treatment. More focus was placed on energy transfers via LEDs to human cells.

The research was a success as it demonstrated how useful and beneficial to healtha specific wavelength of red light can be. This led to the approval by the FDA for treating arthritis, joint pain, reduction of wrinkles, etc.

How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

It is a process that involves the exposure of the human skin to red light wavelengths with low energy. It is then absorbed into the skin, up to a depth of about 10 millimeters, which is nothing like other light wavelengths.

It heats up and affects processes and cells within the body positively. Different wavelengths can be used for the treatment of varying skin conditions. This type of skin treatment offers lots of benefits which has made it popular in the medical world today.



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