Red or Near-Infrared Light: Which Is Better?

Since longer wavelengths appear to have different applications, it’s important to know the functional differences between red and NIR wavelengths.

Red Light Therapy

Red wavelengths between 630 and 660nm are used to treat conditions of the skin and the immediate underlying tissues. 

Surface ailments including acne, stretch marks, skin wounds, psoriasis, hair loss, and the effects of aging (dry and saggy skin, wrinkles, and sun damage) are best treated by red light therapy. 

Some red wavelengths will penetrate a bit deeper into the tissues beneath the skin; but for most practical purposes, red light is optimized at the skin level.

Near-Infrared Light Therapy

NIR light therapy benefits are focused deeper in the body. Wavelengths of 810 to 850nm penetrate deeper into the soft tissue, connective tissue, and bone – including the skull, which makes NIR light an effective treatment of neurological disorders and brain injuries. Treatments in which NIR wavelengths are especially effective include:

Some LED devices include both red and near-infrared light treatment. When used together, this combination offers the most comprehensive benefits ranging from skincare to deep-tissue support. 

The Best Choice: A Combination of Red and NIR Light

For overall health benefits, flexibility (full-body or spot treatment), the choice of using specific wavelengths for targeted uses, and value, it’s hard to beat a combination of red and NIR light.

When red and NIR light are used together, you can enjoy a balancing and harmonizing effect on your body’s systems: literally, better health from the inside out.


The Amazing Health Benefits of Infrared Light Therapy


Red and Infrared Light Therapy- NASA Study